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Troubleshooting Stalling Issues in Rotary Drilling Machines: A Comprehensive Analysis

Understanding the reasons behind stalling in rotary drilling machines is crucial for optimizing performance. This article delves into several factors contributing to stalling and provides practical solutions for efficient troubleshooting.


XCMG rotary drilling rig

Common Causes of Stalling in Rotary Drilling Machines

1. Broken Wings on Drill Bits:

One prevalent issue leading to stalling is the breakage of wings on drill bits. To mitigate this, it’s essential to address the root cause promptly. The introduction of seamless pipes with lubricants such as butter and asphalt, connected to the drill rod, can help extract broken wings efficiently. Prior to retrieval, ensure the bottom of the hole is cleared of rock debris through a thorough air blow.


2. Increased Diameter of Newly Installed Drill Bits:

Stalling may occur when newly replaced drill bits have a larger diameter than the original ones. To manage this, apply gradual pressure during rock chiseling and incrementally increase the thrust force until reaching optimal working pressure.


3. Machine Displacement or Tool Misalignment:

During rock chiseling, machine displacement or tool misalignment can cause stalling. To prevent this, enhance operational diligence, especially during prolonged drilling pauses. Regularly blow away rock powder and elevate the drill tools to avoid burying the impactor in debris.


Sany rotary drilling rig

4. Rock Debris or Fractures During Chiseling:

Stalling may result from falling rocks or encountering significant fractures or cavities while chiseling. In such situations, adopt a cautious approach by adjusting torque, using auxiliary tools if necessary, and maintaining consistent air pressure to lift and rotate the drill tools until the obstruction is resolved.


5. Difficulty in Dust Disposal in Stony Areas:

In regions with mud-caked stones, efficient dust disposal becomes challenging. Combat this issue by implementing effective dust removal mechanisms to ensure smooth drilling operations.


6. Operational Negligence:

Neglecting operational best practices, such as failing to clear rock powder during extended drilling pauses of the rotary drilling rig, can lead to stalling. Adhere to recommended procedures, ensuring timely cleaning and lifting of drill tools to prevent the impactor from being buried under rock debris.


sr155 rotary drilling rig

Solutions for Overcoming Stalling Issues

In cases of severe stalling where the drill tools cannot be lifted or lowered, and the impactor remains unresponsive, apply additional torque or enlist auxiliary tools for assistance. Simultaneously provide air pressure while gradually elevating the drill tools until the malfunction is resolved.


By understanding the diverse causes of stalling in rotary drilling machines for sale and implementing effective solutions, operators can enhance overall drilling efficiency. Follow these guidelines to address specific issues and optimize your drilling performance for successful projects.

Post time: Dec-15-2023

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