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Celebrating 14 Years of Drillmaster: Discover Premium Used Machinery at Imachine

Drillmaster Imachine 14 Years Anniversary

Celebrate with us as we mark a major milestone in our journey! June 16th 2023 will be the 14th anniversary of Drillmaster, the esteemed parent company of Hunan Imachine. We owe our success to your unwavering trust and support, making us a reputable and trustworthy brand in the industry. We are proud to announce that for five consecutive years, Drillmaster has been recognized as the largest drilling tool supplier in China. Now, Imachine sets sights on a new goal – becoming the leading supplier of second-hand machinery in the country through our subsidiary, imachine!


At imachine, we are fueled by the determination to provide you with the best selection of used construction machinery available. With our rich industry experience and extensive network, we guarantee to bring you the finest quality machinery that meets your specific needs. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is unwavering, and we promise to work tirelessly for the next 10, 20 years, and beyond to maintain our position as the go-to destination for second-hand machinery in China.

imachine, the biggest used equipment platform in China !

As a token of our appreciation for your loyalty, we have a special offer exclusively for our VIP customers. Before the 14th anniversary of Drillmaster, we invite you to explore our remarkable collection of second-hand machinery. Among our exciting offerings are:

  1. Used Rotary Drilling Rig: Experience the power and precision of our meticulously maintained rotary drilling rigs. These reliable machines will revolutionize your construction projects, providing exceptional performance at a fraction of the cost of new equipment.
  2. Used Concrete Pump Truck: Achieve unparalleled efficiency and productivity with our top-notch used concrete pump trucks. These machines have been carefully inspected and are ready to take on even the most demanding concrete pouring tasks.
  3. Used Concrete Pump: Enhance your concrete delivery process with our range of used concrete pumps. These versatile machines are designed to optimize your workflow, ensuring smooth and consistent concrete placement on every project.
  4. Used Small Excavators: Discover the perfect balance of power and versatility with our selection of used small excavators. From digging trenches to landscaping, these compact yet mighty machines will be your trusted companions on any job site.Imachine Main Product

To secure your preferred machinery, simply contact us with your request list, or visit our website for selected machinery. We take pride in preparing these machines for your convenience, ensuring they are in excellent condition and ready to serve you faithfully.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support. Join us as we embark on the next chapter of our journey, dedicated to providing you with the finest second-hand machinery in China. Together, we will build a future of success and excellence in the construction industry.

Post time: Jun-09-2023

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